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«Pasta 18. Caixa B. Caminho-de-Ferro Ultramarino de Lourenço Marques. Vários artigos. Fornecimento feito por João Félix da Silva Capucho e J. B. Fernandes. 1905 e 1906»

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1905 Date is certain to 1906 Date is certain
Dimension and support
0,2 cm; papel
Geographic name
Documental tradition
originais; cópias
Physical location
OP16787 - 3/2526-1
Language of the material
Português; Inglês; Francês
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Creation date
15/04/2019 14:05:18
Last modification
25/07/2023 14:33:37
Record not reviewed.